了解往期开奖结果、分析历史数据也是提高中奖几率的重要途径之一。首先,了解澳洲幸运5的开奖历史记录是必不可少的。通过查看过往的开奖结果,观众可以分析出号码的走势规律,从而更好地选择下注号码。这些历史数据也可以帮助观众制定更科学的投注策略,提高中奖的可能性。 Working for peace through environmental cooperation
We are Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists
working together to protect our water — and our future.
working together to protect our water — and our future.
the Implications of climate change in the Middle East are catastophic
Conflict in the region is a threatening situation made even more desperate by the climate crisis, inflaming extremism and instability in the most water-scarce region on the planet.
We Believe In The Power Of Cooperation To Solve The World’s Biggest Problems
EcoPeace’s Green Blue Deal is a bold initiative to advance climate security in the Middle East through cooperation. By working together, a coalition of the willing is building a framework for peace.
其次,查询澳洲幸运5的开奖号码也是观众常做的事情之一。在每一期开奖后,观众都会迫切地想知道当期的中奖号码,以确认自己是否中奖。因此,有多种途径可以查询到最新的开奖结果,包括官方网站、销售点、手机App等。观众可以根据自己的喜好和方便程度选择合适的查询方式。The Green Blue Deal For The Middle East
Urges Action In 4 Key Areas
- March 2022
On Sunday 27 March, United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinkin, announced that EcoPeace is…
- February 2022
What a month it’s been. COP 26 in Glasgow followed by the Water-Energy sale announced…
- November 2021
Representing EcoPeace, today Israel Deputy Director, Dalit Wolf Golan, accepted the Council of Europe Democracy…
"Regional cooperation is the key fundamental element in EcoPeace's vision and mandate. Shared resources and shared environment is the main advocacy of EcoPeace for sharing benefits".
Dr. Shaddad AttiliFormer Minister and Head of Palestinian Water Authority 
“EcoPeace is sincerely making a difference in a region that desperately needs
people to work together to meet common challenges. Their work inspires me and
others and they come up with true solutions to find ways to safeguard scarce
Erik UllenhagSweden's Ambassador to IsraelFormerly Sweden's Ambassador to Jordan

"EcoPeace Middle East plays a critical role in environmental education, Jordan River
rehabilitation and maintaining relations with our neighbors across the river".
Idan GreenbaumMayor of Jordan Valley Regional Council, Israel 
"EcoPeace understands the Middle East environmental crisis unlike anyone else. Its work is critical to the future of this fragile region".
Thomas FriedmanPulitzer Prize winning coumnist for The New York Times 
“The work that EcoPeace is doing to educate the youth and working with young professionals is absolutely critical. I think its critical to tap into the energy of young people, the impatience of young people, the idealism of young people, but I come at it from a slightly different perspective than the common perspective.”
Professor Ken ConcaSchool of International Service 
I’ve always been inspired when I meet EcoPeace staff in Amman, or be it Ramallah, or be it Tel Aviv, because your never ending energy for what you’re doing is actually creating a little bit of a better world. The Green Blue Deal....can actually be the new Eurpean Union, or Coal and Steel that we have in Europe, making countires dependent on eachother and in that way promoting peace.
HE Erik UllenhagAmbassador of Sweden to Israel 
If the parties are not ready to give a win to the other side, if they're not there yet, or address the conflict itself, the key is for them to understand in doing what they can, to unlock avenues for cooperation on the environment, they're in fact acting in their own self interest and a win-win is possible here.
Lucy Kurtzer-EllenbogenDirector Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, U.S. Institute of Peace 
By creating new relationships that are based on mutual gain and mutual risk reduction, the interdependencies are established that sustain and grow peace. And that's what the Green Blue Deal does... We need the Green Blue Deal times 1000 in the world
Alex GrzybowskiManaging Director, Pacific Resolutions, Canada 
Let me congratulate Ecopeace. It's a most wonderful thing that's happening in our region. We are very proud to have collaboration with you, and increasing collaboration, as we share the same vision and the the same challenges. And it's a common fight. Congratulations for your visionary work and tangible results. And certainly the Green Blue Deal is one such example. "
Professor Costas N. PapanicolasAdvisor to the President of Republic of Cyprus and Special Envoy for Climate Change 
We at Stimson are really proud to be a partner with you... to explore the expansion of the Green Blue Deal for Tigris-Euphrates basin - that's Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, potentially also Lebanon.
Dr. Kawa HassanDirector, Stimson Center, Brussels 
I am personally and the United States is truly grateful for so much of the work that you have done...And we see some of that work bearing fruit today... in terms of the UAE, Jordan, Israel deal that we hope will ultimately benefit others, including the Palestinians.
HE Hady AmrDeputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, U.S. Department of State 
The Green Blue Deal, and its four pillars... it's an excellent template for building trusting, creative, positive codependencies. And it's fascinating how it connects the water-food-energy ecosystem nexus as well as the water, peace and security nexus. And so are there synergies between the Green Blue Deal and European Green Deal, absolutely.
HE Tanja MiskovaAmbassador in charge of water diplomacy and circular economy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia 
In Moscow in October this year we had the pleasure of hearing wonderful speeches made by EcoPeace Directors... doing wonderful work of great importance, which could be defined no less than historical.
HE Ambassador Prof. Baklanov AndreyNational Research University, Vice-President of the Association of Russian Diplomats, Russian Federation 